Monday 11 July 2011

Vacations in Turkey (VII) : Kas, Kekova

June 30th: Kekova
Kekova is an island not very far from Kas, where a city was sunken by an earthquake. It is now mostly an archeological site, where boats and divers are not really allowed, but in some places you can do snorkeling.
But, before the photos, the context. When we signed up for the sea-kayaking in Kekova, the organizer was very excited and told us that on that very day, they would make a documentary film ! And they would film our group. So, why not (he gave us a discount) ! Celebrity, here we come !
In the morning, they picked us at the hotel, and we went to pick up the other people, who were 5 girls, with make up, super fashion ! Obviously, they were prepared for going on TV ! (and also, they were friends of the guides). Then we met the "TV team", and we were always followed by 2 cameras !
It was quite funny, but a bit scary at the beginning : the "scene" when the guide explains what we are doing and then the car goes, took, like, 30 minutes. They had to shoot it three times ! And for us, it was funny because all explanations were in Turkish, of course (but the "real" guide was very kind and explained everything to us).
Anyway then we left, and it was funny, we were stopping from time to time to shoot other scenes, we were followed by a car filming us, etc. We learned later that the "director" is a famous (?) actor in Istanbul. So, we took pictures of him, in case someone recognizes him !

Interview of the "main actor".

Even for famous actors, carrying a 15-kg camera with 35 degrees Celsius, is difficult !

Anyone recognizes him ?
 Anyway, all this filming stuff was funny, but the site was very nice too. And we actually had a guide just for us, because the "fashion girls" were not interested by the visit, and the guide seemed a bit annoyed by all this at some point ! And he was cool and knowledgeable.

A necropolis with a nice view. OK, it's not useful, but for tourists, it's nice.

Yet another theater !

View from the castle.

This sarcophagus in the sea is one of the most famous pictures of Turkey.

After having been baptized, why not trying to walk on the water ?

Having a well deserved ice-cream.
Because of the shooting, we came back to Kas two hours later than scheduled (and they were sorry about that !), but no problem, it was fun ! Then we found another restaurant - we had pide and köfte, if I remember correctly. Very good !
It was our last day in Kas ... the next day, we were leaving Kas towards Phaselis, the last stop before Antalya. But this is for the next post !

Edit: Laura pointed out that I forgot our "pirates" photo. Here it is !

"Pirates d'eau douce": one with a life-jacket, and the other with a Hello Kitty pyjama as a hat. Top class ! ;-)