Friday 25 November 2011

San Francisco (part VI)

Final post !
The IROS conference organized a cruise in the bay, with dinner and views on the city by day and night. It was quite nice ! (though I had to pay for it at the end ... and no-one checked my ticket !)

Anyway, we spent a nice time with Masayuki and took a lot of pictures, drank quite a lot of champagne and wine, ate a good buffet, and enjoyed the views of the bay.

The boat

Buffet !


San Francisco

Under the bridge !

So, that's it for the photos of San Francisco. There would be  lot more to say and to show (Laura has more photos, but I don't have them here ...). In particular, we were in a really cool hostel, rather hippie-style, it's called The Green Tortoise. It was really nice atmosphere - a bit noisy, but it's not too much a problem. It is located in North Beach, on Broadway, surrounded by strip clubs ! It is also close to Chinatown - actually Laura had to cross Chinatown every day to go to the conference venue (Hilton on Union Square). I should also talk about the Stinking Rose (a garlic restaurant !), the burgers, the burritos, and the Chinese food ... I should mention our shopping session ... And also the amazing number of homeless people, just there, in the street, by dozens, they look like they are in another universe. This was particularly shocking as some places where they are given food are located just next to the Hilton and the area with very expensive hotels.
Overall, we enjoyed our stay in this relaxed city San Francisco. I could also mention the flight in A380 on the way back to Geneva (via Frankfurt), the almost paranoid security checks in (or towards) the US, etc, etc. But I feel I should resume talking about the primary subject of this blog : SOUTH AFRICA !
So ! Next post will be about South Africa, since I'm now back in Johannesburg !


  1. Nice le come back, quel suspense !
    A380 la classe !
    Je note qu'il est préférable de faire une thèse en robotique à Lausanne qu'une thèse de physique à Annecy ;-)
    Passe un bon été!

  2. Merci :-) Et toi passe un bon hiver !

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Baaah il y a des photos très moches de moi :-/ je devrais regarder avant te laisser poster jummmmm ;-)
