Sunday 29 January 2012

Lausanne !

As usual with the transition periods, I have forgotten about updating the blog ;-)
So, I'm back in the North for a few months ! Right now, the plan is to stay here and work at CERN until March, then go back to Joburg for a month, and come back here again.

As expected, it's cold up here, but it's OK ... the first days, after sunny Joburg, were hard, but now I got used to the cold. We haven't had snow in Lausanne or Geneva yet, but I'd like to have some !

Just because I like to put pictures on the blog, here are a couple from the weekend ... One usual, and one unusual !

This is a panoramic view of Ouchy on a cold winter night. We were having a walk, to refresh our brains after staying in all day (working, and wood carving a little bit ... cooking also !). To motivate ourselves to go out, we had brought a bottle of Johannisberg, which is a Swiss white wine that we like ;-) This one is in low quality to fit in the blog ;-)

This is Laura and two ghosts ... (the one on the left seems from the past !)

The second set if photos ... Well, here's the story ! Yesterday, we were doing some cleaning in the apartment, and when it came to the bathroom, I thought that I should cut a little bit my beard so it is less messy. I started that, and I decided to actually cut it all ! Laura has never seen me completely shaved ! So, full of motivation, I went down to buy some foam, I removed the dust from my old razor (unused since 2007 ...), and I shaved ! For the fun, I kept the mustache, just to take pictures (and make my mother scream, she already doesn't like the beard too much ;-) ). And well, as we are in a Turkish mood, I'll keep the 'stache for a few days !

Before ...

... during ...

... result !

Voila ! Let's see if I find the motivation to shave completely tomorrow ... :-)


  1. Enorme :) T'as la classe mec, faut la garder !!! Ou alors la refaire pendant Movember (

    1. Heh heh j'ai entendu parler de Movember, oui ;-) Je pense que je vais la garder encore un peu, on verra combien de temps je tiens ! Ce qui m'embete le plus c'est de devoir raser le reste ...

  2. c’était pas mal during...

  3. Je pense que Mam va trouver qu'il y a un air de Pap dans la dernière photo...!

    1. Oui, j'ai d'ailleurs un scan de photo qui ressemble pas mal ...

    2. mais ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!:)

  4. ahahaha, t'as l'air de frank zappa dans "during"! (Philipp)

  5. Here we go :) Wouldn't be much better. Do you feel the wind blow on your chin?
